Tropical and Subtropical Plants  Greenhouse

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Tropical and Subtropical Plants  Greenhouse

The collection greenhouse of the Yerevan Botanical Garden was founded in 1939. In the 1980, the collection included about 1240 plant species, known for their rich and interesting species composition in the region.  Later, during the years of the energy crisis for the republic (1990), the collection greenhouse was severely damaged, and the collection was almost completely frozen.  In 2012, due to the renovation of the collection greenhouse, 2 sections and winter garden were opened, where the preserved old and new collection (starting from 2008) was rearranged. Currently, the collection includes 630 species belonging to 3 321 genera of 103 families.  The following families are rich in species Aizoaceae (21 species), Amaryllidaceae (23), Apocynaceae (20), Araceae (23), Arecaceae (15), Asparagaceae (55), Crassulaceae (30), Fabaceae (16), Myrtaceae (14), Zingiberaceae (9): The scientific collection of tropical and subtropical plants has not only aesthetic, but also eco-educational, educational-cognitive significance.  The collection includes plants from different tropical and subtropical regions of the world: America, Africa, East Asia, Australia, New Zealand. 

Being valuable species, they are endowed with different useful properties, have different economic applications.  Among the ornamental plants are palm, agave, ginger lily, cactus, jade plant, Madagascar palm, pittosporum, a rather long-blooming species of the family Solanaceae Cestrum elegans.  Representatives of Aristolochiaceae (3 species) և Passifloraceae (7) families stand out with their unique flower structure and beauty.  Interesting structure և beautiful appearance Hedychium horsfieldii a kind of open fruit with seeds, which is stored on the plant for several days.

Of the fruit species in the conditions of greenhouse they bloom and bear abundant fruit Аcca sellowiana, Eriobotrya japonica, Psidium cattleianum, P. guajava, Passiflora edulis.  Of particular interest are the fruit species brought from Thailand.   Macadamia ternifolia (macadamia, Australian walnut), Zizyphus mauritiana (Zizifus mauritania), Britton & Rose (pita, dragon fruit). Alpinia officinarium, Dioscorea bulbifera, Eucalyptus globulus, E. viminalis, Senna alexandrina, S. septemtrionalis, Irwin & Barneby and other species are grown from herbs.

The collection includes a number of plants that have an interesting morphological structure, such as the endemic Madagascar species Pachypodium geayi Costantin & Bois and P. lamerei from the Apocynaceae family.  From the family Vitaceae Cyphostemma juttae species is distinguished by its succulent trunk and stems, growing in Namibia.  Desmodium motorium species is from the Fabaceae family, known for its small, laterally moving leaves.  This is an amazing plant with dancing leaves. Another interesting species from the family Passifloraceae is Passiflora foetida flowers of the plant produce a sticky substance, with the help of which the latter catches the insect and “kills” it. Two types of cotton are included in the collection as technical plants: Gossypium arboreum, G. barbadens. From the family Simmondsiaceae is represented by Simmondsia chinensis. Jojoba oil, which is used in cosmetics and medicine. Cinnamomum camphora species is widely used in camphor oil.  From the family Urticaceae Boehmeria nivea type is known as white rum and used in the production of textiles, precious paper.

At present, the experimental work on the introduction of new species and the purposeful use of the latter continues in the collection greenhouse. 
